This is a major release, which introduces a generic scripting interface for archivers, so the plugin can now be used with basicly every archive manager that supports the required command line parameters. Support for File Roller (the GNOME archive manager) and Ark (the KDE archive manager) is builtin. Xarchiver will include support for the archive plugin in the next release. It depends on Thunar 0.2.2 or above.
As you might already know, Xfce 4.4BETA1 was released today, and it contains a lot of changes, that have been worked since the last major release. I'm going to present an (incomplete!) list of the most important changes in BETA1. I will not include Thunar here, read the Thunar 0.3.0 release notes for details about Thunar
I just released the second version of the thunar-archive-plugin. It includes a bunch of new translations, and fixes the problem that the folder was not properly reloaded after creating or extracting an archive. It requires Thunar 0.2.2alpha2 or above and File Roller.
I just released Thunar-0.3.0beta1 and libexo- as part of Xfce 4.4BETA1 (separate tarballs are provided for users of Xfce 4.2.x that don't want to upgrade yet, and users of other desktop environments). As suggested by the name, it is a beta release and it is thereby considered to be more or less stable in what it does, but it is still not a final version.
I set up a new Thunar Wiki today, which contains interesting information for users. The old wiki with the development notes is still there and will continue as dev wiki.
Thanks to Matt McClinch, who worked out a patch for Thunar and libexo, Thunar BETA1 will also include the often requested Windows Explorer-like Compact View.